Professional Practice Standards
Billing and Fees (Under Development)
a. NIHB Dental Benefit Grid – General Practitioners & Specialists
b. NIHB Dental Benefit Grid – Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
c. NIHB Dental Benefit Grid – Hygienists
d. FHB / Supplementary Health Fee Schedule
e. Position on Billing of Comprehensive and Other Examinations (CDSS)
Cavitation (Under Development)
Communications and Information Management Standard (Under Development)
Conflict of Interest (Updated: April, 2023)
Continued Competency and Quality Assurance Program (August 2024)
Criminal Record Check Policy and Procedures: For Initial Application (November 2023)
Please note that some RCMP detachments require a Letter of Reasoning from the CDSS to accompany this request. Most have this requirement available on their website. If such is required, please email with the detachment details and we will provide you with such.
Facility / Clinic Registration (Formerly: Facility Permit)
Good Character or Suitability Standard (April 2022)
Guidelines for Ending the Dentist-Patient Relationship (January 2025)
Guidelines for Implant Dentistry (Updated: April 2024)
- CDSS Dental Implant Treatment Statement (July 2018)
The Health Information Protection Act (HIPA)
a. Checklist for Compliance with HIPA
b. Checklist to Help Determine Compliance with HIPA (Saskatchewan Health)
Health Information Protection Regulations, 2023
a. HIPA Sections to be Proclaimed
b. The Health Information Protection Regulations, 2023 Questions and Answers
HIPA Compliance Resources
Third Party Confidentiality Agreement
Latex Allergy (Under Development)
Long Term Care Resident Guidelines (January 2023)
Prescribing and Dispensing
a. Prescribing and Dispensing of Drugs Standard (Under Development)
b. Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids and Benzodiazepines (Under Development)
c. Pharmaceutical Information Program (PIP)
d. Prescription Review Program
e. Provincial Auditor of Saskatchewan 2019 Report – Monitoring Opioid Prescribing
f. Prescription Regulations Reference Manual
- Food and Drug Act (Canada)
- Food and Drug Regulations (Canada)
- Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Canada)
- Narcotics Control Regulations (Canada)
- Benzodiazepines and Other Targeted Substances Regulations (Canada)
- The Prescription Drugs Act (Saskatchewan)
- The Prescription Drugs Regulations (Saskatchewan) 1993
- The Pharmacy Act (Saskatchewan)
- The Drugs Schedules Regulations (Saskatchewan)
g. Drugs in Dentistry – Canadian Pharmacists Association
h. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) (Health Canada)
i. Antimicrobial Stewardship Program
- Antimicrobial Stewardship in Canadian Dentistry
- AMS Taking a Bite Out of Antibiotic Prescribing
- AMS Poster “Bugs Are Getting Stronger”
- AMS Poster “Management of Penicillin/Amoxicillin Allergic Patients in Dental Practice”
- AMS Poster “Do You Actually Have a Penicillin Allergy?”
- AMS Handout “Antibiotics: What’s the Harm?”
- AMS Prescription Pad
Professionalism and Ethics Standard (Under Development)
Radiation and Imaging Standard (November 2024)
a. Safety Code 30 (Federal Radiation Regulations)
b. Radiation Health & Safety Regulations – 2024
c. Radiation Health & Safety Act – 1985
d. Guidelines for Use of X-Radiation
e. Amended Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations (Gov’t of Canada)
Reporting: Incompetence; Misconduct; Critical Incident; Convictions; Civil Cases
(Under Development)
Teeth Whitening and Cosmetic Procedures Position Statement (January 2024)
a. Biomedical Waste Management Guidelines (Government of Saskatchewan)
b. The Safety of Dental Amalgam (Health Canada)
c. Position on Dental Amalgam (CDA)
d. Dental Amalgam FAQ’s (CDA)
e. MOU Respecting the Implementation of the Canada-Wide Standard on Mercury for Dental Amalgam Waste (Minister of the Environment & CDA)
f. Canada-Wide Standard on Mercury for Dental Amalgam Waste (Canadian Councils of Ministers of the Environment)
g. Letter to Members (CDSS & SK Ministry of Environment – June 10, 2009)
h. Amalgam Waste Management (FDI Policy Statement)
i. Mercury Hygiene Guidance (FDI Policy Statement)
j. Saskatchewan Occupational Health & Safety Regulations (Government of Saskatchewan)
k. Workplace Hazardous Material Information System – WHMIS (Government of Saskatchewan)
l. The Labour Standards Act (Government of Saskatchewan)
m. Preventing Violence in Saskatchewan Workplaces (Government of Saskatchewan)
n. Accident Fund Act (WCB)
Complaints and Concerns
If you have concerns about a dentist’s service or conduct, we are here to help.